Claiming Our Inner Light and Truth: An online retreat in the footsteps of Mary Magdalene, Hildegard of Bingen and Catherine of Siena March 11–14, 2021 Thursday evening: 6:30 -8:00 pm PST Friday, Saturday and Sunday: 10:30 am -12:30 pm PST plus an optional bonus group discussion/prayer service on Friday and Saturday from 4- 5 pm PST
How do we marry action and contemplation in a way that serves the world and yet nourishes our own hearts? How can we find the inner strength to claim our voice, even when it is at odds with what we have been taught to expect? How can we stand with courage and conviction to speak truth to power and change the world? In this four-day retreat, we focus on the lives and legacies of three of the most important women in history who defied societal expectations to become spiritual leaders and teachers.
We will encounter Mary Magdalene, the First Apostle, revered for her capacity for courage and compassion; Catherine of Siena, Doctor of the Church, whose refusal to be either a married woman or a cloistered nun opened the way for a Third Order ; and Hildegard of Bingen, 12th century Benedictine Abbess, composer, theologian, natural medicine healer and visionary artist. Each one of them lived lives rooted in deep contemplative practice and yet were emboldened to go forth into the world to challenge the prejudices and injustices in their communities. Join cultural historian, musician and spiritual director Kayleen Asbo for a four-day retreat in the spirit of Carl Jung and Depth Psychology. In this retreat saturated with art and music, we will wed contemplative spiritual practices (chant, guided journaling, earth mandala making, lectio divina and visio divina) with the fascinating stories of these revolutionary women who will inspire us to claim our own inner light in service to the world.
Thursday Evening: 6:30 pm -8 pm PST Opening Circle and Introductions The Quest to Claim Our Voices: An introduction to our mystics Compline: Contemplation, Chant and Poetry Art Practice: Mandala of Self-Love led by Katherine Witteman
Friday: 10:30 am -12:30 pm Mary Magdalene Erasure and Restoration: A Brief History of Mary Magdalene as Disciple and Spiritual Leader Healing and Wholeness: The Gospel of John, The Gospel of Mary, the Gospel of Thomas Jungian Active Imagination: Letter from Mary
Suggested Evening Film: Mary Magdalene
Saturday: 10:30 am -12:30 pm Hildegard of Bingen: The Renaissance Woman of the Middle Ages Chant practice: Noli Timere Visio Divina Art Project: Nature Mandala Guest thespian: Peggy Rubin Suggested Evening Films: Vision; Ordo Virtutem
Sunday: 10:30 am -12:30 pm Catherine of Siena: Forging a Path of Action and Contemplation Active Imagination: Letter from Catherine Closing Circle : Claiming Our Own Visions and Voices
Participants will be given online resources for further exploration: recommended readings, art activities, instructions for Lectio Divina and Visio Divina in order to deepen your experience.
Strongly recommended: Concurrent enrollment in the online program Magdalene Emerging, a 22 Days cycle of posts that delve into the depths of the Magdalene tradition through history, art, myth, music and prayer, which begins on March 15. 2021.