To listen to Catherine Braslavksy's haunting rendition of Ilono, click above.
Ilono, music by Catherine Braslavksy First century Aramaic text
O Beautiful tree of our desire , The Lord has planted you in his church You have grown by the blessed waters of the prophets Your leaves heal and your fruit gives life We take shelter in your shade And the Holy Spirit rests in your branches, like the dove in ancient olive trees.
La Sainte Baume, the mountain region in Provence where Mary Magdalene spent the last 30 years of her life according to French history and legend.
The Forest of Artemis
The last flight of 244 stairs up the mountain
The gate to the sanctuary , reading "Established in 415 AD by Cassianite Monks"
One of the thousands of international pilgrims who travel every year to pray in the grotto where Mary Magdalene was said to have meditated in the last part of her life.
Attachment to matter Gives rise to passion against nature This is why I tell you: “Be in harmony” If you are out of balance, take inspiration form manifestations of your true nature. Those who have ears, let them hear.
After saying this, the Blessed One greeted them all saying, Peace be with you May my Peace be fulfilled within you. Be vigilant and Allow no one to mislead you By saying ‘Here it is’ or ‘There it is’ For it is within you that The Son of Man dwells
-The Gospel of Mary Magdalene (trans. Leloup/Rowe)
Lectio Divina Steps after each reading:
1) Repeat one word or phrase that echoes in your heart- write down
2) What is the sense impression you receive? Journal " I feel… I see.." or draw the image you receive
3) Listen for what the message is for you personally at this moment in time. Imagine it is a love letter to you from Jesus/Mary Magdalene and journal. You might find it helpful to being: “I hear the call to…” or “ The message for me is…” "Illuminate" your verbal response.