The Wisdom of the Desert: The Lost Stories of Early Christianity
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"If you bring forth what is inside, What is inside of you will save you. If you do not bring forth what is inside of you, What is inside of you will destroy you" -The Gospel of Thomas (c. 50 AD)
In 1945, a treasure trove of ancient scriptures were found in a cave in Nag Hammadi, Egypt that has completely overturned scholarly assumptions about religious history and early Christianity. In these texts (some of which may predate the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John), Jesus is portrayed as a wisdom teacher who awakens our latent human capacities and liberates us from ignorance. In these teachings, he affirms both the women disciples of his inner circle (particularly Mary Magdalene) and the feminine aspect of the divine. For many readers, these so-called Gnostic texts have been a startling and exciting revelation, fostering insight and compassion. For the great Carl Jung, these texts were the affirmation of something he had long believed: that the early Gnostics were the first Depth Psychologists.
Wisdom of the Desert: The Recovered Stories of Early Christianity Wednesday Evenings in May at 7 pm May 2 : The Gospel of Thomas May 9: The Hymn of the Pearl May 16: The Gospel of Mary May 23: The Gospel of Philip
The four week seminar: Choose your level of contribution for the four week series work study scholarships and trades are available
Downloadable videolinks will be available approximately 10 days after the live in person class
Recommended Reading: The Gnostic Gospels, Elaine Pagels A New New Testament, edited by Hal Taussig The Gospel of Thomas, edited with commentary by Jean Yves Leloup