"For I wished to follow in the footsteps of Mary Magdalene" Julian of Norwich, Revelation of Divine Love, Chapter Two
Recommended Books About Julian and Lectio Divina
There are many wonderful books about Julian
For a very modern, interspiritual and poetic translation, see Mirabai Starr. She has also co-authored a book about Julian with Mathew Fox that emphasizes the Creation spirituality/Original Blessing elements of Julians' theology
For a more traditional Anglo-Catholic interpretation, I recommend Fr. John Julian's The Complete Julian, published by Paraclete Press
Veronica' Rolf's Julian's Gospel: Illuminating the Life and Revelations of Julian of Norwich
For Lectio Divina, see the abundant work of Christine Valters Paintner.
For a historical perspective on the "calamitous 14th century", see Barbara Tuchman's A Distant Mirror
For gripping historical novels about Julian's times and the religious and political controversies about translating the Bible into English , see The Illuminator and The Mercy Seller by Brenda Rickman Vantreuse.
1) Choose a short passage and read the text aloud slowly, savoring each word. Without judgment or trying to analyze it, notice if a word or phrase leaps out at you.
2) Read it a second time. This time, repeat (or write down) the one word or phrase that most captures your attention.
3) Read it aloud a third time. This time, connect with your senses.
What is it you are seeing, hearing, feeling in your imagination? Share a brief sentence or two in response ( I see… I feel… I hear….) or draw the images you are seeing around your word
4) Imagine this is a love letter from God to you . Listen for what the passage is calling for you to do in your life, right now, with the challenges you face. How are you being invited to respond in your life?
Offer a brief response ( I feel the call to..) or write a "love letter" to your soul that begins: "Beloved ( or My dear child), what I want you to know is...."
5) If you are doing this in a group, close by going around the circle and offering a prayer of blessing to each other
Below is a short video about Julian where you will see her reconstructed cell, which was destroyed during WWII
Recommended Books and Resources about Julian of Norwich
Revelations of Divine Love by Julian of Norwich There are many fine translations of this text which was penned in the 14th century in Middle English.
The Complete Julian, John Julian
Rev. Dr Emma Pennington of Canterbury Cathedral, England created a short and very accessible series of 6 introductory lectures on Julian, all accessed here